Sauchenford was built by the Forth and Clyde Area Group of the 2mm Scale Association. It is a representation of an imaginary set of colliery exchange sidings set on the main Scottish Central main line between Larbert and Stirling. With the double track main line in front of the layout, the line to the colliery leaves the scene at the left hand rear side of the layout, with another line heading to the coal washing facilities on the line to the right.
We have tried to extend the finescale ethos beyond just the 2FS (2mm finescale) track scale and gauge (2mm to the foot with a gauge of 9.42mm) by incorporating working signals, including drop-flap ground signals along with (non-working!) point rodding and signal wire posts. Whilst the layout is notionally set at the turn of the 1950s/60s with the end of steam approaching and green diesels appearing, don't be surprised if some more modern blue locomotives appear now and then. We will also, at some times, run a purely Caledonian Railway scene as about 1900, with another shade of blue appearing on the locomotives.
Track has been built using the 2mm Scale Association Easitrack plastic bases. Points and signals are hand operated. Stock is a mixture of scratchbuilt, kit-built from 2mm Scale Association and other kits with some modern stock having been converted from N-gauge. Structures are all scratchbuilt, with the water tank and girder bridge being constructed using etches produced from the drawings of a member.
The layout is now owned by member, Stephen Harold.
Layout is approximately 1.4m scenic (3.3m over fiddle yards) x 0.4m