The Committee and other office holders

The main Association contacts are recorded below. A full list of committee members, and other officers, are in the Members Only part of the website.

Chairman; Alistair Campbell (email: chairman@....)
Responsible for chairing meetings of the Management Committee and formally represents the Association to other societies and the public;

Secretary; (email: secretary@....)
Responsible for general Association administration, organises the AGM and Committee Meetings, takes official minutes and circulates copies;

Treasurer; (email: treasurer@....)
Responsible for keeping the Association's financial accounts, submitting accounts to the Hon. Auditor and circulating audited copies to the membership prior to the AGM;

Events Officer;(email: events@.....)
Responsible for the Association's annual exhibition, together with modelling courses, modelling competitions and maintaining the Association's cups and awards;


Contacting the Association

By E-mail

E-mail: (note this is a change effective from August 21st 2017)
Email is read by webmaster Nigel Cliffe.

Please use plain text for emails and clear subject lines. Unfortunately we get a lot of junk email, much of which is virus laden. Therefore we adopt a fairly rigorous filtering policy, which will automatically delete anything which is suspect.


By Post

For general enquiries, you can write to the 2mm Scale Association at:

The Secretary, 2mm Scale Association
Crab Apple Cottage,
Cornwall, PL14 3SQ


New Membership applications queries should be sent to: (note change of address, August 2024)

United Kingdom