Information about Events; Expo and AGMs
The Association organises an annual exhibition (known as Expo) and also an AGM. Expo is usually in Derby in May, with layouts, demonstrations and annual competitions. The AGM is usually held online in the autumn, with an on-line modelling competition. The Events Page has more information, dates, venues, etc...
Updating your membership and renewals
Members of the Association can use MemberMojo to renew their subscription when due, and change details of their membership, such as address, email, etc.. The MemberMojo service will send an email with a log-in link (valid for a couple of hours) to the email address associated with your membership. The only email address which will work for access is the one the Association holds; it is printed on the address slip used to post out your copy of the Magazine. Alternatively, changes can be notified to the Data Officer, as detailed in the Newsletter.
Members only file downloads
There are various files of Association material for download from the members only area of this website. Passwords for this area are available to members via the membership management on MemberMojo.
This includes access to online copies of the 2mm Magazine, the magazine archive, the new 2FS Manual, plus a number of archive publications.
The Virtual Area Group
There is a "Virtual Area Group" for members of the Association, it operates like any other Area Group, but instead of meeting in a physical place, conducts its business on the internet.The Virtual Area Group communicates via email. Members send a message to the mailing list, and this is distributed to the other members of the Group. Members of the Group can discuss topics of interest to 2mm Modelling, covering any area and expertise. There is a whole page on the Virtual Area Group, what it does, how to join it and why you'll not be at risk of spam and viruses.
The eBoard - Notices by Email
Real Area Groups
Calendar of Events
Forthcoming events of relevant to 2mm modelling are shown on the calendar. This might be a layout appearing at a show, the whereabouts of the 2mm publicty stand, a show of interest to 2mm modellers, or an Association event.Planned Tutorial Events
There have been a number of tutorial events organised, covering topics
such as basic track and wagon building, converting N locos to 2mm standards,
designing gearboxes, painting and airbrushing. These have typically been
day-long hands-on events where participants went away having built something
during the day.
Such events happen because individuals say they want them, then start to
arrange them, ask for tutors to help, etc.. The VAG
seems to be the main current conduit for organising, but its not the only
way. Announcements of tutorials can be made through the Newsletter and through
the eBoard.
On-line Shop Orders
The products area can produce a completed order form, for you to save and email to the shop keeper (if you are not a member, you won't know where to send it!). For those who use traditional methods, printing it and posting is also possible, though often slower than email. For orders where the member wishes to pay by card, the shop keeper will then reply with a PayPal Invoice. The member ordering does not need a PayPal account, the invoice can be settled with a debit/credit card.
Specialist Suppliers
As well as the Association's own product range, there are various small suppliers of kits and components. Many of these are members of the Association, producing parts for their own use as well as for other people.