The following are small niche suppliers offering products to 2mm scale. Some of the products listed are produced on a batch basis, so may not be available at all times. Contact the relevant supplier to find out prices and availability.


Lists on this site;

Adam Bastow offers 3D printed wagon bodies, primarily L&Y prototype

Stephen Harris offers various wagon kits, predominately items running during 1970's

Nigel Hunt offers a range of etched parts, including kits for the LMS Duchess and Princess pacifics, the Stanier 3,500 gallon tender, and finescale chassis for the Bachmann-Farish Jubilee and Rebuilt Royal Scot, the Dapol Ivatt 2-6-2T, and the Peco LMS Jubilee. Chassis upgrade kits for the Farish WD 2-8-0, Ivatt 2-6-0, Fairburn 2-6-4T and GEM L & Y Saddle tank.

David Eveleigh offers various etched vehicles, usually, but not exclusively, with an East Anglian emphasis. David also has his own website, see below.


3D CAD Exchange - Members with CAD files available for exchange. Typically 3D models for use on a 3D printing machine.



Links to other suppliers websites;

The ScaleFour society webpages have a number of "where to get..." pages with links to numerous interesting sources of bits and pieces.

Eveleigh Creations David Eveleigh offers backscene and scenic work, and etched kits.

Fence Houses Model Foundry Bob Jones range of locomotive kits, loco chassis kits, wagon kits and various other etches.

Model Railway Supplies David Short's shop with various items, including Medvend DC controllers, and some CT DCC decoders.

Worsley Works Allen Doherty's etched components, coaching and multiple unit stock, locomotive kits, etc.

Cambridge Custom Transfers

Fox Transfers


If you know of other suppliers who should be listed above, please contact us.