
This lists layouts on the 2mm Register, available for exhibition, and other layouts where we have photographs and other information.

Layouts from the 2mm Layout Register available for exhibition (contact register below)

The link in the layout title will lead to a page with pictures and other information

Ivybridge GWR mainline viaduct and station in South Devon 4m x 3m
Great Western mainline in South Devon on the edge of Dartmoor. Large viaduct where the line crosses the River Erme, with a station adjacent to the viaduct set on a hillside. The layout features a procession of trains typical of the late 1930's - mostly Great Western, but some LMS from the North to West route.
Drws-y-Nant Passing station on Ruabon to Barmouth GWR line 2.3m x 4.8m
Drws-y-Nant is a passing station on the Ruabon to Barmouth GWR line.It is situated in a wooded valley and can run either 1930s or 1950s period stock. The Layout fits into one car along with the minimum two operators needed.
Hallam Town BR secondary terminus on Western Midland region borders. 3m x 0.2m
Originally built by Alan Whitehouse, the layout is under new ownership. The setting is still British Railways but has evolved to represent Midland Region in the late 1950's/60's somewhere on the Western/Midland borders and depicts a secondary county town terminus that's just had a coat of paint. Local and cross country passenger share the station with a considerable amount of parcels traffic. New colour light signals are appearing, but will it survive Beeching? This classic Minories design is fully DCC operated.
Fence Houses BR North-Eastern region station. 12.2m x 3.2m
Depiction of the working of a station and surrounding areas in the north Durham area in handling coal and diverted main line traffic circa 1950's - 1960's. [Video]
Kyle of Lochalsh Terminus on pier in Scottish Highlands 1.5m x 0.15m
A simplified extract of one half of Kyle of Lochalsh set in the BR blue era. Operations can feature Class 24's, Class 26''s and class 37's across the day. Layout was originally built in an A4 box file capable of being flown by aircraft whilst living overseas. [Layout Website]
Freshwater Most westerly terminus on the Isle of Wight. 2.2m x 0.6m
Freshwater was the most westerly terminus on the Isle of Wight. Opened in 1888, the line was never successful, and closed in 1953. The layout plan was based on Ordnance Survey maps, with no compression. Buildings are based on photographs. Several are 3D printed from computer models I created. [Layout Website] [Video]
Dunallander Mainline junction station based on Dunblane 8.5m x 2.4m
Mainline junction station based on Dunblane. Layout created by Neil Ballantine, passed to members of Grampian Area Group for completion after his death. [Layout Website]
St Ruth BR exGWR terminus closely based on Penzance station 5.2m x 1.2m (6.5 x 2.5m)
St Ruth is a 2mm finescale layout based on Penzance station. The track is soldered construction throughout and runs with DC controls. The stock is a mix of scratch and kit-built items as well as converted off-the-shelf items, and the operating sequence depicts a typical 24 hours in September 1965.
Modbury GWR c.1906 Through Station 3m x 0.46m
GWR c.1906 Through Station with Baulk Road trackwork. [Layout Website] [Video]
Corrieshalloch HR passing station on Kyle line. 3m x 0.8m
A fictitious passing station on the projected but never constructed line from Garve to Ullapool in north-west Scotland. I have tried to capture the expansive, open feel of the Highland Railway by modelling only half of the station, and am gradually building the stock to operate it in the pre-grouping period. [Layout Website]
Port Jubilee Small diorama of coastal terminus in Edwardian Scotland 0.6m x 0.25m
An elliptical layout/diorama built for the 2mm Scale Association Diamond Jubilee Layout Challenge. It represents a thoroughly fictitious Scottish coastal terminus in the Edwardian era. I can't be sure whether it is on the east or west coast.
Lambourn GWR branch line terminus.
3.6m x 0.45m
Lambourn was the terminus of the Lambourn Valley Railway branch line, which opened in 1896, running the 12 miles from the terminus to the connection at Newbury. The line was taken over by the GWR in 1905 and run by them until the line closed in the 1960's. The model depicts Lambourn during the summer of 1938. Apart from minor modifications the track layout, buildings and environs are to scale. Further photographs and information can be found in MRJ32.
Tucking Mill 1920 North Somerset Light Railway station 2.1 x 0.45m
Minor terminus station on the North Somerset Light Railway set in the Horsecombe Vale handling timber and other goods with private siding loading limestone.
Callaton Minimum space cameo layout. 1.5m x 0.5m
Small Cameo layout serving as a demonstration of fine scale modelling in a very limited space.
Lightermans Yard Lightermans Yard 2m x 1m
A small fictitious goods yard, somewhere in South East London. Timescale is the late 1950's early 1960s, near the end of steam, with an occasional diesel to be seen. [ Layout Website ]
The North Cornwall Line Model of railways in North Cornwall in Southern days. various
A model of railways in North Cornwall in Southern days. The layout consists of six sections:
Padstow - The line appears opposite Padstow on the other side of the estuary, does a U turn over the Iron Bridge and enters the terminus at Padstow.
Boscarne Junction
Bodmin North - under construction
St Blazey Roundhouse - A model of the semi roundhouse and works built by the Cornwall Minerals Railway in GWR era.
The Wenford Branch, including Wenford Goods Depot

The 2mm Layout Register

The 2mm Layout Register holds contact information, dimensions, transport requirements, etc. for layouts whose owners are willing to exhibit them. Full details can be made available to exhibition organisers. You can contact the Layout Register Manager at

If you have a layout, and particularly if you are willing to exhibit it,you can fill in a form to be found on the Members Only part of this website, or contact the layout register manager. We'll only publish information with your permission.

If you're an exhibition manager, and are seeking a layout for a show, you can browse those on the public part of the register, and if you need more details, can contact the Layout Register Manager for further information.

Layouts on the Register, not currently available for exhibition

Yeovil Town
Home layout of Yeovil Town station and environs.
9.5m x 4.5m
Large personal project, 2FS/DC. Station (Joint SR/GWR) exactly to scale, environs (Durston branch and Weymouth main line) compressed but principal features of countryside and urban area represented. Infrastructure late 1930s, locos/stock any. Working shunting tractor. Promises high operational potential and scenic interest but still very much under construction! [ Website progress on RMWeb ] [ Also various videos on YouTube - search for "Laurie Adams Yeovil " ]
Minor Highland Railway station
1.65m x 0.25m
Aucheidh represents an imaginary, and highly unlikely, minor Highland Railway station somewhere on the Moray plain. A couple of siding and a passing loop outwith the platform. In reality it has to operate as a terminus
Coal Road
Barnard Castle to Bishop Auckland line
6m x 0.6m
A model based on the actual place on the Barnard Castle to Bishop Auckland line where it changed from double to single track, with a level crossing over the Copley road. Primarily freight traffic with occasional passenger trains and ex-works loco running-in turns.
Caledonian Railway in Lanarkshire
3m x 0.6m
The approaches to a fictional mining/market town in the east Lanarkshire coalfield. Featuring colliery exchange sidings, a wagon weighbridge and goods yard. [ Website on RMWeb ] [ Video ]
Double track station on the Borders Waverley route.
3m x 0.38m
A double track through station with a fiddle yard at each end based on Newcastleton on the Waverley route. [ Layout track plan diagram ]
Coal exchange sidings on the Scottish Central main line.
3.3m x 0.4m
Coal exchange sidings at an imaginary location on the Scottish Central main line near Stirling. Two fiddle yards.


Other Layouts on the Website:

The following not part of the Association's layout register, but we have photos and information on the website.