Mayfield Street

by David Long

Mayfield Street is a small shunting yard built using the track and wheel standards of the 2mm Scale Association. The layout scenic area is 24" x 9".

The track is built from pcb sleepers, chairplates and code 40 bullhead rail. Points are operated using Tortoise switch machines. Uncoupling of the DG couplings on the stock is by electro-magnets concealed beneath the track. Both the switch machines and electro-magnets use conventional dc supplies. Control of the locomotives is effected using CT Electronik decoders via a NCE Power Cab.

All buildings and scenery are scratch-built to suit the locations and give an impression of an urban environment.

Although the timescale of the layout is fixed in 1967/8, the location can be variable. As the buildings are deliberately not representative of any company or area the stock alone can denote the area of operation.