Worsdell Park Road by Bob Jones
Bob Jones' NER class T 0-8-0 ( LNER / BR Class Q5 ) with his class E1 0-6-0T (LNER / BR Class J72 ) behind. Both these locos are made from Bob's 2mm /ft Finescale Kits ( Fence Houses Model Foundry ). The cosmetic coal has been removed from the tender to show the location of the motor.
Photographed on Bob's "Worsdell Park Road" layout.
These are D & S etched brass NER clerestory body kits which were specially etched for him some years ago. Bob has produced etched nickel silver chassis kits for 2mm Finescale modellers.
Bob's latest kit..... the NER Class T2 0-8-0 ( LNER / BR Q6 ). Bob has added an eccentric that was to be found driving the Wakefield lubricator on the RHS of these engines in later years.
At a recent 2mm Assoc. meeting yours truly holds a sprue of Bob's etched geese to give the viewer some idea of the scale of these tiny items...... his etched hens are even smaller! Also in scene is an etched nickel silver 2mm scale donkey.