The eBoard, 2mm Notices

( Updated August 2024).

The 2mm Notices list, otherwise know as the eBoard provides a rapid method of distributing information to members about events, products and other items likely to be of interest to members.

The eBoard will only send a few email messages, probably less than one a month.

The eBoard is not a discussion forum; if you are seeking an email discussion area, then we suggest the Virtual Area Group.


When joining, or renewing your membership, we allow members to opt-in (and opt-out) of receiving eBoard emails. You can change this, or your email address by updating your membership record on MemberMojo, or by contacting the Data Officer (details in Newsletter).


Sending an announcement to the membership

If you have a message (see permitted content below) you wish to broadcast to the membership, please contact the webmaster.

Permitted Content

The description of permitted content will evolve; this is the current list:

Not Permitted Material